Hi! Thanks for stopping by to check the progress of Incendiary. I'm still proofreading it, but when I need to stop because my eyes aren't seeing the errors, I've been BLARING this song called BANQUET by BLOC PARTY and dancing around the house to it (with the blinds drawn because my dancing would frighten the neighbors into possibly calling 911). This song is so Brennus that it's scary--I just found it and it was instant love. As I proofread, I'm rewriting little sections as I go because I want to make the story as real as possible. I love the comments that you've been leaving (so awesome, I live for them, you have no idea how addicted I am to you--I'm becoming like Brennus about it: obsessed). I have been taking breaks to exercise, social network, and to fulfill family obligations, but I stopped doing anything that is just time-suckage, like watching T.V. (and I love me some T.V.).
Hi again! Good job finding the Incendiary Updates page! You ROCK! Okay, so here's what I did for Indebted, the last book I published: I started out by giving you a brief, general idea of where I am in the publishing process. I often times included a You Tube video of a song that I was either TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH, or one that had to do with something going on in my life at the time (which really amounts to the same thing, actually!) Then, after the video, I gave more details on publishing or if a problem existed, I filled you in on what that was and the steps I was taking to correct it. I did it that way because some people just want a quick update and don't want to slog through the details. So here we go: I'm currently in the process of polishing and editing Incendiary. It's written, but I want to make sure that it continues what I have started with the first three books. It needs to ride that edge between fantasy and reality so that the story is thrilling and scary. I want you to say when you read it, "I FEEL IT ALL!" This AMAZING song by FEIST reminds me of Evie in Incendiary... I don't know how long it will take me to edit Incendiary. I don't think it will be long (weeks, not months). It is written, but I'm considering a new ending. (I can't talk about it now because it will spoil everything. I have to bite my lower lip because I'm dying to bounce it off of you!)
I wrote Incendiary in 2010. I wrote it in tandem with another book in a different series. The other series has a working title of Kricket, which is the name of the main character. It's a dystopian novel with paranormal and supernatural elements. I did this because I had written 3 Premonition books and I was afraid that if I just kept writing the same characters, it would get stale. I wanted to see if I had more in me then what I had already created. I also wrote Kricket in an attempt to attract an agent with a smaller word count (Kricket is only 90K words whereas all of the Premonition books are 135K-168K, which to a traditional publisher is a ridiculous word count and an author with said word count should be strung up and shot—repeatedly.) Psssst...publishers and agents...readers love more words...I promise—look at my numbers. :D After I finish editing Incendiary, I will immediately begin the publishing process. For those of you who don't know, I am a self-published author. I write the books, my mom, Gloria, helps me edit them, (she is a retired grammar school teacher with a wicked eye for errors). I publish my books through CreateSpace and KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). The publishing process takes 3-4 months. I thought last time I would be able to do it in 2 months. I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! It ended up taking me 4 months. When I publish my print books with CreateSpace, I purchase the Total Design Freedom—Standard Package. This gets me Interior Design Formatting (the formatting of the PDF for the interior of the book) and the Unique Book Cover Design (a professional cover design). I also purchase and LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number—this is what libraries use to identify my book) and the eBook Conversion Package (CreateSpace will convert the finished PDF of my book into a Mobi file that they will then upload for me onto Kindle Direct Publishing. This is the eBook that people purchase on Amazon.com) The Total Design Freedom Package includes a free ISBN (International Standard Book Number), which is like the social security number for your book. With an ISBN from CreateSpace, people within the industry will automatically know that I'm self-pub. I can try to hide that fact by purchasing my own ISBN and creating my own "publishing Company." My thoughts on that are like this: IT IS WHAT IT IS. I am a self-pub author. I believe that my writing will speak for me. If it's good, people will read it. I have not done much advertising (like none). My work is mostly word of mouth right now. I hope to change that soon, but you're reading this, so I must be doing something right. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Right now I have to go back to reading Incendiary so that I can push it out the door and into your waiting arms. Get ready, because Brennus is bitter, Reed is avenging, Russell is super-evolving, and Evie is coming to terms with what she is and what she wants. Yeah...it's a total trip and I can't wait for you to read it! |
AMY A. BARTOLI'm not a Pepper or the car I drive. Evie's Playlist on SpotifyReed's playlist on SpotifyRussell's Playlist on SpotifyBrennus' Playlist on SpotifyThe Fellas' Playlist on SpotifyZephyr's Playlist on SpotifyArchives
December 2012